General Liability Insurance Workers Compensation Insurance Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance
Leather artisanship is widespread outside the apparel sector. Some examples include leather goods producers making durable products such as handbags, wallets, suitcases, upholstery, and sporting goods like baseball gloves, cricket balls, and footballs.
Leather products are made by processing animal hides at tanneries and using them for multiple purposes, such as luggage, handbags, sporting goods, straps, upholstery, and decorative items. Making the item begins with a design, followed by the development of patterns, perforating or cutting the individual pieces, sewing or lacing them together, applying trimmings or clasps, finishing or treating the product, and then the packaging for dispatch.
Stitching merchandise by hand is labor-intensive, although some automation is possible. Despite the specific materials and methods used to manufacture an item, phases involved in production can sometimes be carried out at a different place or in another country. Leather artisans will utilize the finest hides or skins for their products from tanneries, design their items, and craft them in a method that incorporates cutting and sewing.
In this competitive industry, there's room for both large and small independent makers of a wide range of leather products. If your business produces several kinds of handbags or other leather goods, you know it faces many challenges and opportunities.
Leather Goods Store Insurance Cost
The monthly average luggage goods store insurance cost of a standard $1,000,000 per occurrence General Liability Insurance policy for small leather goods manufacturing businesses is about $57 to $79 per month, depending on competitive location, revenue, type of product, and claim history.
Why Do Leather Goods Stores Need Insurance?
While making and selling merchandise from beautiful handbags to sporting goods is not as hazardous as other companies in the manufacturing sector, you must still consider that your manufacturing business is susceptible to an array of threats.
Like other businesses, yours might be hit by a natural occurrence, like a tornado, hurricane, severe fire, lightning strike or loss caused by humans, burglary, vandalism, or riot. The criminal activity could also threaten your organization by inflicting severe property losses. Such unexpected losses can negatively impact your company's financial stability and adversely affect your future revenue.
If a worker is injured while making leather products or even as a consequence of an accident like a fall on a wet surface, remember that your company will be held accountable for the resulting medical costs and lost wages. The same could occur if a visitor or customer is injured on your property; if they get hurt because of a condition at your location, like a wet floor, they might also look to your company for reimbursement of the expenses incurred for medical care and missed work resulting from the accident.

These examples connect to costly expenses that demonstrate how these exposures can detract from a company’s financial future and survival. You can recover from these adverse occurrences if you have the proper insurance for leather store.
Recommended Business Insurance For Leather Stores
The leather goods store insurance industry features many policies to meet a business’ insurance requirements. A company's coverage needs to depend on several factors, including location, number of employees, and value of manufacturing equipment. Leather goods producers should discuss their operations with a professional commercial insurance broker. Some types of leather products manufacturers' insurance coverage are:
Commercial Property
If vandalism or nature damages your manufacturing facility, this insurance can assist in recovering losses due to damaged or stolen property. Commercial property covers your building, the contents of your building, machinery, raw materials like skins and hides, and finished leather goods.
Commercial General Liability
Commercial general liability insurance can be helpful if your company is sued for bodily injury or property damage. Situations that fall under commercial general liability insurance include a third-party bodily injury or property damage caused by your business premises and operations.
Product Liability
Product liability is part of the general liability policy, and it protects the business from the financial repercussions if a consumer or others injure themselves or have their property damaged by your products. This coverage starts after the product’s sale, and the consumer takes possession.
Workers' Compensation
At a minimum, even very small companies should consider worker's compensation insurance. One employee hurt while at work will be covered for medical costs and lost pay, protecting the employer from lawsuits.
Leather Goods Store's Risks & Exposures
Premises liability exposure: Visits are typically limited due to the design of the company's facilities. If the company gives tours of its facilities or has a showroom, visitors might be injured by slips, trips, or falls. Chemical substances used in the tanning and finishing processes may be corrosive and create hazardous conditions. Fumes, leaks, or spills may damage nearby property or people. Note, General Liability insurance does not cover any loss from pollution. Some tanning operations may use chemicals that could be considered to be pollutants. To cover this exposure, you would need a pollution liability policy, also called environmental impairment coverage.
Product liability exposure: Legal counsel and insurer should review the warranties and guarantees. These terms may create unnecessary liability for your company. However, litigation and losses are typically lower for handbags and purses, but the risk is higher for sports equipment and safety straps.
Quality control: Institute thorough reporting and documentation of any quality control issues and resulting solutions. These logs are beneficial, especially for products with governmental regulations, guidelines, and standards.
Environmental impairment or pollution exposure: Any heavy metals and toxic compounds used in tanning leather, if released into the environment from improper processing or disposal methods, can lead to contamination of land or water sources. Waste removal and treatment procedures adhering to environmental and safety regulations can reduce these risks. Know that accidental chemical spills are no excuse and not a legal defense for polluting the environment.
Workers' compensation exposures: Employees may incur various injuries from production machinery, such as damage from puncture wounds, burns, cuts, trips, falls, foreign particles in the eye, hearing loss from machinery noise, and injuries to the back after lifting. Workers should be required to attend safety training and receive personal protective equipment if appropriate. However, no safety program will prevent all accidents, so this policy will alleviate any worry about the company having to pay medical expenses and lost wages if a staff member gets hurt on the job.
Dust-generating areas need respiratory devices, protective eyewear, and washing stations. Flammable chemicals or organic solvents used as dyes, finishers, or tanners can irritate the skin and eyes or lead to long-term occupational illness.
The enormous volume necessary for production timelines may lead to employees neglecting to use safety guards on equipment or the shop manager postponing equipment repairs and upgrades. Overuse of machinery can bring on repetitive motion injuries. Workstations ought to be ergonomically devised.
In terms of compliance and due diligence, management's emphasis on safety consciousness and adherence to best practices is of utmost importance. Most of the work should be completed by people over 18 or perhaps sub-contracted.
Property exposures: For stores, the workplace, manufacturing site, and warehouse for raw materials and finished goods are components of an ignition source. Ignition sources are electricity, heating devices, and production machinery. Flammable chemicals used to do dying, finishing, or tanning should be labeled with signs and stored in approved containers as preventative measures.
Dust from cutting, punching, and buffing operations can cause a fire in the event of a lack of proper dust collection systems. Loose fragments and filings from processing leather are flammable and increase fire hazards.
Leather can be damaged by fire, smoke, humidity, and water. Poor housekeeping can introduce lint and dirt, damaging the leather. If those rags are not disposed of properly, grease or oil residue might cause a fire to produce without a direct heat source.
Equipment breakdown exposures: Involves malfunctions of production equipment, dust collection and ventilation systems, control panels, and other machinery. Sudden and accidental equipment breakdowns can halt manufacturing processes, not to mention the damage to equipment. Equipment breakdown insurance can address losses resulting from a breakdown, such as damage to the building or contents, loss of revenue, and expediting expenses to repair parts or new equipment. Property policies don’t typically cover loss to buildings and contents when caused by an equipment malfunction. Don’t confuse this coverage with a maintenance contract you may have on equipment; this policy does not cover losses from lack of maintenance or normal wear and tear.
Crime exposure: Leather products have a high street value, and it has encouraged employee dishonesty and theft. Employees may work alone or with outsiders to steal money, raw materials, or finished items.
All employees should be subject to background checks. There must be a separation of duties between staff handling deposits and employees handling accounts payable. There must be systems in place to prevent employee theft. But if prevention doesn’t work, then this policy will step in.
Business auto exposure: Designers or sales representatives might have company-owned vehicles. Or the business may own box trucks or even tractor-trailers to transport products to reach retail clients. Either way, there is a business auto or trucking exposure. This coverage provides not only state-required auto insurance but many options can be included:
- Bodily injury or property damage liability for auto accidents
- Personal Injury Protection is also known as No-Fault coverage
- Uninsured or Underinsured Motorists coverage
- Comprehensive and Collision coverage for damage to your vehicles
- Rental Reimbursement
- Towing
Inland Marine Insurance: This coverage can cover your product shipments while transported by truck, air, or otherwise.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Luggage Stores Business Insurance
1. What does business insurance for luggage stores cover?
Business insurance for luggage stores typically covers a variety of risks that the store may face. Some of the most common types of coverage include:
- Property insurance covers damage or loss to the store's physical building and contents, including inventory and equipment. Theft, fire, lightning, vandalism, riot, and wind are some of the perils covered under a property policy.
- Liability insurance covers the store's legal responsibility for any injuries or damages caused to customers or third parties on the store's property.
- Business interruption insurance, part of the property policy, covers lost income and expenses if the store is forced to close because of damage due to a covered loss.
- Crime insurance covers money or financial instruments losses from theft, fraud, or other criminal acts. Employee Dishonesty coverage is a type of Crime insurance that specifically addresses theft by employees of an organization.
- Employee injuries, if your employee gets hurt on the job, say one employee falls off a ladder while stocking merchandise.
It's also recommended that they consult with an insurance agent, such as, to help them find the right coverage for their specific needs.
2. What types of insurance claims would a leather and luggage goods store have?
A leather and luggage goods store may have several types of insurance claims, depending on the specific risks that the store faces. Some common types of claims that such a store may make include the following:
- Property damage claims, such as a fire, lightning, civil commotion, theft, and wind, are just a few things that can damage the store's building or inventory.
- Liability claims, a leather product is finished with chemicals that cause a customer’s skin to break out in a rash or a customer slip and fall at the store because of an electrical cord running across the floor. These are examples of when the store or manufacturer could be found negligent and liable for damages resulting from the incidents.
- Business interruption and extra expense claims, such as when a fire forces the store to close for an extended period, resulting in lost income and increased expenses.
- Cyber Crime claims, such as computer fraud, where a criminal can steal money via the internet.
It's worth noting that the type of claims a store can make will vary depending on their insurance policies. Business owners can contact for more information and to discuss their specific needs.
3. Why do leather goods and luggage stores and manufacturers need insurance?
Leather goods, luggage stores, and manufacturers need insurance to protect themselves against potential risks to avoid hits to the financial statement. Many claim situations, if insured, could prevent the business from going bankrupt.
Additionally, many lenders or landlords may require these companies to have insurance as a condition of doing business with them.
Overall, insurance is an essential part of any business's risk management strategy, and it can help ensure that a company can continue operating even in the face of unexpected challenges.
4. What are the benefits of Business Insurance for Leather Manufacturers?
Leather manufacturer insurance provides many benefits to protect a leather manufacturing business from financial loss. Some of the key benefits include:
Protection for property: This type of insurance can cover the cost of repairing or replacing factory equipment, machinery, and raw materials in case of damage from fire, storms, or other natural disasters. Property policies can be customized to account for fluctuations in the values of finished goods on hand, like for the holiday shopping season.
Product liability insurance: This coverage can protect the manufacturer against claims resulting from a defect in the manufacturer's leather goods, such as if a product injures a customer.
Business interruption coverage: This insurance can help the manufacturer recoup lost income if the factory is forced to close temporarily due to an insured event making the factory inoperable. Business income can also be bought for dependent businesses, like if your leading supplier encountered a fire loss, interrupting the delivery of raw material to your factory.
Protection for Intellectual Property and reputation, this coverage can protect the manufacturer from losses due to disputes over trademarks, patents, and other forms of intellectual property.
Workers' compensation coverage: This coverage pays for medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees according to statutory benefits in the state of operations.
Overall, Leather Manufacturer Insurance protects the assets and ongoing operations of the business, and it can help ensure that the company can continue to operate even in the face of catastrophes.
5. Which insurance is best for my leather luggage store business?
The best insurance for your leather luggage store business will depend on your business’s specific needs and risks. Some key factors to consider when choosing insurance for your business include the following:
- How much money do you have tied up in physical property? Do you have a business loan? If you have a business loan, your business will be required to purchase Business Property Insurance to insure collateral on the loan. Also, it’s important to consider your location and its exposure to property damage. Is your business located near a coast prone to hurricanes, in a tornado alley, or are you located in an earthquake zone?
- General Liability insurance will be required if you sign a lease for the store; this coverage is probably the most affordable. General liability will respond to third-party bodily injury and property damage claims arising from your business operations, including your premises and products.
- Do you have an online presence? Do you have a considerable number of online sales transactions? Do you process payments and have customers’ credit card or bank account numbers on file? If so, Cyber Insurance is a must.
- Are you going to hire employees? Workers’ Compensation is recommended even if you only have one or two employees.
6. What is the cost for a small Leather and Luggage Goods store for Business Insurance?
The cost of business insurance for a small leather and luggage goods store can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the store, the value of the inventory and equipment, the location, and the specific coverage options are chosen.
For example, a small leather and luggage goods store in a low-risk area with a small inventory and a few employees might only need basic liability coverage and property coverage and could expect to pay around $1,000 to $2,500 per year.
However, a store with a more extensive inventory, higher sales, more employees, or at a higher risk of loss, such as one in a high-crime area, might require more comprehensive coverage and could expect to pay several thousand dollars per year.
These are only rough estimates, and the actual cost of insurance for your business will depend on your business’s specific needs and risks. To get a more accurate estimate, you should consult an insurance agent at, who can help you assess your particular needs and recommend the right coverage at an affordable price.